Fitness Enthusiasts
Is there a red rash in your itchy patch?
Do you feel itchy, irritated, and downright gross when you wear your favourite gym pants and fancy underwear? That sneaky, unwelcome guest is known as ‘tinea’—an annoying fungal infection that brings forth a red/pink rash with small, raised prickling bumps.
Real Good Honey is excellent for alleviating a variety of skin conditions, such as athlete's foot, tinea, and other pink, scaly, and itchy rashes, including eczema and dermatitis. It is a popular
remedy for healing sore and damaged skin and reducing inflammation.
These types of rashes are particularly prevalent among fitness enthusiasts who love the sleek, trendy appeal of spandex, nylon, and other synthetic apparel. Unfortunately, these fashionable training clothes do not always prioritise ventilation and moisture management, creating an ideal environment for these kinds of rashes to thrive.
Caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes, this pesky troublemaker tends to appear in the feet, groin, buttock and thigh regions – in both men and women – where warm, moist skin folds provide an easy gateway for its unpleasant arrival. Real Good Honey’s Jarrah TA35+ helps to reduce the symptoms and discomfort with these rashes.
Different parts of gyms, like shared gym equipment, pools, and change rooms are often breeding grounds for these rashes due to the communal nature of the facilities.
How to use for:
Athletes foot, tinea & itchy rashes
dilute Jarrah TA35+ honey with your favourite lotion (sorbolene cream is fine) at a 50:50 ratio and apply to the affected area. Leave on your skin for at least 2 hours before washing off. Most will experience a significant improvement within 2 weeks.
Forget the ineffective antifungal creams and powders….. Real Good Honey offers a powerful natural solution that aligns with your active lifestyle, promoting comfort and optimal performance.
Suitable Products
We have a range of products to treat athletes foot, tinea, and itchy rashes.