Women’s health advocates
Let's talk vaginal flora and holistic care!
Our priority has long been in treating infections of the skin, and it still is, but we are adding another important priority to Real Good Honey’s ethos – the intimate health and wellness of women. But issues like thrush, UTIs, bacterial vaginosis, and itching extending from clitoris to anus haven’t been openly discussed for quite a while, which is why we want to start the conversation!!
While society is slowly reducing the stigma associated with these concerns, there is still some embarrassment surrounding them. With lab research confirming some hydrogen peroxide based therapeutic honeys are effective against the microbes that cause these intimate issues, Real Good Honey is championing open dialogue for those seeking information and support.
Vaginas are both delicate and resilient, each having their own unique microbiome also known as flora, a host of living bacteria and yeast, both good and bad. What is most important is to keep these microorganisms balanced in both the digestive tract and in the vagina. Our Blackbutt TA35+ helps temporarily relieve mild vaginitis, decrease excessive vaginal discharge, and support vaginal pH.
How to use for:
Mild vaginitis, excessive foul smelling discharge & pH
Laying on your back with your hips raised using a Real Good Honey inflatable wedge cushion, insert 8ml of Blackbutt TA35+ inside the vagina, locked into place with a honey plug. Complete your treatment while laying down. Remove the plug 45 minutes later and engage your pelvic floor muscles to squeeze out as much liquid as possible (do this in the showerer or on the toilet). Blackbutt TA35+ is an effective treatment for 99.4% of our customers. If you experience symptoms of itching or inflammation that were not present prior to starting treatment, stop using the honey immediately and contact your general practitioner. Symptoms improve within 3 days.
How to use for:
Relieve mild vaginal itch
Apply a thin layer of Blackbutt TA25+ from front to back and leave on for at least 2 hours. If additional lubrication is needed throughout the day, mix 5ml of Blackbutt TA25+ honey with 2.5ml of sorbolene cream and apply to the same area. If you experience symptoms of itching or inflammation that were not present prior to starting treatment, stop using the honey immediately and contact your general practitioner. Symptoms improve within 3 days.
How to use for:
Urinary tract health
Laying on your back with your hips raised using a Real Good Honey inflatable wedge cushion, part your labia. Rub a teaspoon of Blackbutt TA35+ honey over the clitoris, urethra opening (wee hole) and labia area. Complete your treatment while laying down. Wash or wipe off after 45 minutes. Symptoms improve within 3 days.
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Suitable Products
We have a range of products to relieve mild vaginitis, decrease excessive foul smelling discharge and support a healthy vaginal pH.